Thanks for stopping by to check out my top 35 plant books for little learners. These books will bring your plant unit or science center to life with photos & information that’s just right for preschool, pre-k, and kindergarten students. There are fiction and nonfiction, silly and serious, and so much more! Need more ideas to teach about plants? Check out my Little Learners Science Unit called All About Plants,Plants Math and Literacy Centers, or Flower Shop Dramatic Play!
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The author does a great job introducing little learners to seeds in a poetic and informative way. The illustrations are beautiful, and I’ll bet your students will be captivated by this title.
Discover the beauty of flowers in this little reader. Your students will love looking at the real-life photographs that show close-ups of different parts of the flower. It also talks about how flowers grow and some of their uses.
Introduce young children to plant vocabulary like pollination, seed formation, and germination. The book features diagrams and tons of illustrations to charm your little scientists. Then encourage them to use their new vocabulary words in conversations and science activities!
Read about fruit uses and how they grow in this nonfiction book. It is written for little learners with simple vocabulary and bright, attractive photos to draw readers in.
Learn about the process of planting a garden and then what happens after you plant and water. Seedlings start to grow and so much more happens! Students will enjoy seeing what happens next in the garden.
A Few More Nonfiction Plant Books for Little Learners
Discover the depths of leaves… they aren’t just decorations on the tree. They create oxygen, use carbon, and utilize sunlight and water to do great things for the tree! Real-life photos bring this book to life for little learners.
See how roots work in this simple-to-read nonfiction text written for little learners. Sometimes people eat roots, and other times they are just the powerhouse for the plant.
This National Geographic book is written for little learners with simple vocabulary and bright real-life photos. Use this book to teach about the plant life cycle, pollination, and germination.
Introduce children to stems through simple text and real-life photographs of stems of plants, including information on how they grow, along with their uses.
Next up, a book just right for little learners who want to know about a bean’s life cycle. I love using beans as a teaching tool because they sprout quickly and easily in the classroom. This title features real-life photos and step-by-step pages of the life cycle.
A companion story to the above title. This book will work great for preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten students that are learning about the life cycle of carrots.
A cute guessing game book about the flowers that the bumblebee may have come in contact with. Students love making guesses, and this will increase their knowledge of different kinds of flowers.
Practice counting from one to twelve as you explore this garden. There is a variety of plants, from flowers to fruits to vegetables. Students will enjoy searching for all the items to count on each page.
Join a little girl and her father as they purchase some flowers and other supplies to make Mom a surprise! It is a simple story that packs a punch. It would be just right for preschool, pre-k, or kindergarten students.
Fran and Fred find a flowerpot and decide to plant some flowers. She really wants her flowers to grow, so she gives it all her favorite things: spaghetti, ice cream…why won’t the flower grow?
Lola loves to read, and when she discovers some books about gardening, she decides she wants to plant one of her own. Join Lola as she and Mom plant a garden and wait for something to happen.
Three hungry bunnies sneak into Mr. McGreely’s garden. They make lots of noises as they enjoy his yummy vegetables. Funny illustrations will have your students laughing, and three brave bunnies will have your students cheering!
Your students will want to visit this little girl’s garden! She grows chocolate candies, beach ball-sized tomatoes, and more! Allow your children to use their imagination and expand on this magical garden. Once you read the book, have students draw their garden and all the silly things they would grow!
Take your students on a counting adventure in a lively garden—practice counting from one to ten with your little learners. You can also sing and clap this book to the tune, Over in the Meadow.
Enjoy this interactive book with your students while you clap, tap, and so much more! Teach students about the life cycle of a seed and see what happens after it becomes a zinnia.
A little girl and her mother plant a wonderful garden. Once the seeds sprout, they have a rainbow of colors in their garden. Practice colors with your little learners while you read this book.
Take a journey and follow a tear through the water cycle and onto a garden. When the tear is rained down from the clouds, it helps an onion grow to make more tears.
Your students will love this interactive book that requires them to help a tree change for each season. Movement and reading go hand-in-hand while reading this book.
Kids love this book and want to hear it over and over again. It focuses on choosing to be good and kind. The main character is a seed that has gone bad, but he decides he doesn’t like being bad, so he makes some changes in his life.
Teach about teamwork with this cute book! The animals try to get the carrot out of the ground, but it is stuck. Then, the mouse comes along, and he makes the difference!
Read this enchanting folktale about teamwork and working hard. Similar to the above story, the farmer grew an enormous potato that he couldn’t get out of the ground. He needs help from many people and animals on his farm to get it out. Hopefully, they can get the potato out of the ground!
Show children the life cycle of a wildflower seed with Eric Carle’s fantastic artwork. Students will love seeing each stage, and it comes with a seed you can plant to watch your own wildflower grow.
Rabbit loves carrots, but they are crowding him out of his house! His friends offer to help him, but he gets a little sassy about his carrots! Teach children about true friendship, even when times get hard.
Next up, read about a sneaky rabbit that tricks bear into giving him half his land. Bear is lazy and wants to sleep all day, and the rabbit has tons of babies to feed. They could make the perfect partners but will bear agree to this deal?
Your students will enjoy the rhymes in this fun book about all the things that happen in the garden. Plus, practice positional words while learning about plants and gardens.
Explore life above and below the garden in this great book for little learners. Show students that there is more to the garden than the vegetables and the plants; many animals play a crucial role!
Zinnia is so excited for spring, and she is prepared to take care of her garden this year. She plants some seeds and waits patiently for them to grow! Once they bloom, she has a beautiful garden to enjoy!
Planting seeds can be such a fun activity for your little learners, and I hope some of these books will be helpful in your classroom! They are hand-picked for little learners and have been used in my own classroom for years! After you read some books, be sure to plant some seeds and have fun caring for them while they grow and develop! I promise your students will LOVE it! Check out my Farm Math and Literacy Centers to learn more about plants and animals!
For more of my favorite books, check out my themed Book List Blog Series that features themed book lists to accompany your lessons and activities! These are sure to keep your library shelves full! If there is a book list for a theme you need, just let us know so we can create it for you!